FINISHING SCHOOL: The Happy Ending to That Writing Project You Can’t Seem to Get Done (TarcherPerigee; January 10, 2017) by journalists Cary Tennis and PEN/ USA Finalist Danelle Morton is a guide to using goal-setting to get your creative projects completed. Too often we end up with good intentions when we begin, but we run out of steam for various reasons.
The book identifies the “six emotional pitfalls” that can stand in the way. They are, Doubt, Shame, Yearning, Fear, Judgement and Arrogance.
For instance, doubt that you can finish your project may stop you from getting it done. Or your yearning to become a writer might stand in the way of actually doing the work.
There’s a detailed description of the methodology in addition to real-life examples from the authors. They give good examples from their own experiences and dig deeply into each one. Even if you can’t identify with all of the pitfalls, there will be something that resonates.
I particularly liked the idea of having a “Declaration of Done,” which is a way to make an actual declaration that your project is completed. The last chapter of the book sums it up best, “Finishing School is a method for reaching a state of completion and moving on.”
About Finishing School
All too many people start a writing project with grand ambitions but reach a crisis of completion. Finishing School helps writers reignite the passion that started them on the project in the first place and work steadily to get it done.