Another Four Quotes for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 21, 2019

by Deborah A. Bailey

Continuing my tradition of sharing Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King quotes that have inspired me.

(See other quotes here: 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020.)
mlk day quote

“To ignore evil is to become accomplice to it.”


People may believe “evil” is some type of comic book definition of what a villain does in a story. Or actions that are so horrible, that there is no other definition to describe them.

But it can also be the small things. The injustices and hurts and cruelty that are often ignored by most people. Ignored because they seem small.

And, therefore, of no consequence (unless you are the target of those actions).

What people don’t get is that the so-called, small things add up to be the bigger things. And then when it’s too overwhelming to ignore, suddenly there are people who ask – what could we have done? Why didn’t someone warn us?

Well, where were you when these things were happening in front of you? Did you speak out? Or did you pretend not to see them?

And, if you ignored them, are you any different than the perpetrators? This is what I believe this quote is asking.



“Almost always the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.”martin luther king quote


Usually the people most invested in change are the ones who aren’t comfortable. Or who can’t afford the solutions that are being offered.

Consider if you are someone starting a business, but you don’t have a big bankroll funding you. In that case, you get creative. Maybe you have less money than you need to cover bills and expenses. You get creative.

Creativity doesn’t have to mean art, it can also mean thinking outside the box.

Innovations come when someone asks, how can I do this in a better way? What if? Is there another way to accomplish this task that no one is doing right now?

Those inventions can help everyone, even if they were created because one person had a need that wasn’t being met.

Think about it. What can you create today that can not only help you, but serve others?


martin luther king quote“I have learned this art: when I have nothing more to say, I stop talking.”


If only more people on social media (and in life) followed this! There is a time for talking, and a time for listening.

But first, you must accept that you don’t know everything. That your worldview is not the only worldview. That you cannot speak for everyone, no matter how intelligent or knowledgeable you believe you are.

Listen and learn.



“Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul.”


Often women get the message that we must remain silent. Be supportive, but don’t step into the spotlight. But you have something to say. Don’t hide coretta scott king quoteyour light. Balance is achieved when there is masculine and feminine.

Each society and culture defines those things differently, though. So, you might have a different understanding in mind than I do, or your neighbor, or your relative, or your partner.

Nurturing has been, traditionally, assigned to the feminine. Of course, that’s not a given in every case. And by feminine, I don’t mean only women have that quality. Certainly not.

But, I feel that this quote says we must give voice to that energy. The energy of nurturing, and supporting, and of taking action to protect our families and communities.

You see, we can be fierce as well. And, now is the time to step into that. Just as Mrs. King did after the murder of her husband. We must stand up for ourselves, our families, our communities and the world.


Copyright © 2019 Deborah A. Bailey


Deborah A Bailey

Deborah is a writer, writing workshop presenter and published author. She's host of the Women Entrepreneurs Radio podcast.

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