The Top 15 Ways To Release Resistance and Get Back In The Flow!

June 27, 2011

by Mariana M. Cooper

Have you hit the proverbial wall? Feeling stuck and a sense of inertia that you know is getting in the way of your forward progress, your success and your profits? Here are 15 great ways to release resistance and get back in the Flow!

1. Move around

Exercise is one of the best ways to check back in and get centered. Endorphins are mood stabilizers and taking in more oxygen actually enhances intuition and the ability to interpret it more accurately. Yoga, tai chi, walking, dance, or swimming laps can all help tremendously in getting you back in the flow!

2. Change Your Routine

We are all creatures of habit but when you are feeling in a rut changing even the smallest part of our routine can give us a new perspective and reconnect us to our center. I switched my office to a new room and painted. What a huge difference. It felt like I had moved to a completely different place. And my severe writers block disappeared!

3. Evaluate what you need to get done. Are you stuck because you are in need of more information?

Many times we get stuck due to a lack of information or a fear of not knowing how to do something. This is an extremely easy fix with Google! Also don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to someone who is more experienced and can get it done in a fraction of the time!

4. Get out in Nature

This is such a great remedy for getting unstuck. A walk in the park or at the beach enables you to take in lots of sunlight and oxygen.

5. Rearrange your furniture

Rearranging your furniture, making some small decorating changes, painting the walls a new color or even changing the function of a room to something else is a great way to shift energy and perspective. You will be amazed at how different things will feel with just some small shifts.

6. Delegate it

Often times feeling stuck is due to overwhelm and spending too much time doing things that could and should be delegated to someone else. Hire a virtual assistant to take on the tasks that you really don’t enjoy and focus on your strengths. Life becomes so much easier when we spend more time doing what we enjoy and delegate the rest!

7. Clean something out

This is one of the best ways to get the energy flowing. Take a look around your home and or office and pick one thing to clean out. Whether it is the common junk drawer, closet or garage cleaning it out will make a big difference in your clarity and focus.

8. Do a puzzle, color a mandala, play a game that has a concrete ending

Often times when we are stressed out because we don’t have an answer to a question or something is very ambiguous in our lives shifting our focus to something that we can actually complete and control is just what we need to get unstuck. Jigsaw puzzles, coloring a mandala or playing a game that has a concrete ending are all great to clear the energy and move forward.

9. Make a list

I have always found that writing a list of everything I have to do or  what’s most pressing on my mind relieves me of stress and pressure.

10. Journal

This is an age old solution to getting unstuck. Designate a special notebook, pen and time of day to pour your feelings out on the page. Once you dump it clears the way for a surprising amount of wisdom to bubble up.

11. Get a pet or play with someone else’s

Animals are unconditionally loving and truly appreciate good care and attention. You will also be amazed at who you can meet when you are walking your dog or someone else’s. Don’t have a dog? Try volunteering some time at the local animal shelter or rescue. Spending time with those furry friends will take your mind of things and enable you to get a new perspective.

12. Do something special with a child

Children are so in the moment. They fully experience their worlds with wonder and excitement. They also can give you some surprisingly powerful wisdom with their comments and observations. This is a great way to shift gears and get unstuck.

13. Volunteer

Pick a cause that speaks to your heart and give some time. It will help you get perspective on what you truly have. Giving from the heart always sends the flow forward in your own life

14. Get a massage

When you are feeling tired, tense and stuck your body takes a beating. Getting a good massage will release physical tension and mental strain as well. Being nurtured is often exactly what you need to get unstuck.

15. Give up sugar for 3 days

Most people turn to sugar when they get stressed or stuck. Yet the false highs and lows that sugar cause can create chaos as your moods swing and your perspective is thrown off. Instead of turning up the sugar try cutting it out for 3 or more days. You will be amazed at how clarity and a sense of stability come over you when the sugar blues fade.

A Bonus Idea:

And finally pay attention to your own energy cycles and best times of day. If you are a night person save the stuff that you need the most focus for until then. Don’t try to force yourself to work against your natural cycles if you can.

Perfection is definitely not needed for success with getting unstuck and back in the flow. Pick one or two things off the list and give them a try. You may be surprised at how quickly you bounce back!

Author: Mariana M. Cooper, Aha! Moments, Inc. Marketing & Manifesting Strategist For Enlightened Entrepreneurs. For more information, products and services visit our blog at:

Deborah A Bailey

Deborah is a writer, writing workshop presenter and published author. She's host of the Women Entrepreneurs Radio podcast.

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