Have you ever felt that if you had more money, or more degrees or knew more of the “right people” you’d be okay?
Perhaps you feel that you’re too old to go for your dreams.
Or maybe you believe you don’t have the advantages that others do.
Ever had these types of thoughts?
It’s so easy to become blocked by your own fears and limited beliefs. But what can you do about it?
If you’ve been reading my book, “Think Like an Entrepreneur: Transforming Your Career and Taking Charge of Your Life,” you’re already familiar with the steps I recommend to create a success mindset.
Here are some additional tips:
1. Forget about being an overnight success. No matter what their PR says, most successful people did not achieve success overnight. They worked on building it step by step over time. If you’re holding yourself to some standard that you think you should be following, stop right now.
2. Be willing to make mistakes. Successful people are risk takers. Instead of beating themselves up when they fail, they learn from their mistakes and make better choices next time around. You’ll never know what will work until you are willing to take a chance on failure.
3. Stop waiting for permission. Successful people are leaders. They don’t wait for others to tell them what to do. Ask for what you want. Don’t wait for someone else to validate your choices. If you do, you might be waiting a very long time.
4. Get used to hearing the word, “no.” The way to get to “yes” is to be willing to hear a lot of “no’s.” The popular series, “Chicken Soup for the Soul” was rejected by over 100 publishers. Imagine if the creators had quit before their “yes?”
5. Be good to yourself. It can be tough to go for your dreams. Practice self care and treat yourself with respect and love. Successful people believe in their dreams because they believe in themselves. If you see the glass as half empty (or believe that you weren’t even good enough to get a glass) you won’t believe you can have what you desire.
6. Release resentment. Don’t worry about what other people are doing. Once you define what you want (and believe you can achieve it) nothing will stand in your way. That may sound too easy – but it really isn’t easy to stay focused on our path. It takes work to really believe in what we can accomplish.
7. Define your own success. Success is not the same for everyone. For some it means a certain dollar amount, for others it may mean living in a big house. Believing in one definition of success is a trap. Create your own definition and set your own goals. Only you know what is right for you.
Back when I worked in corporate, my idea of success was defined by my manager or by what I saw others doing. But I prefer to define my life path myself. Instead of following the crowd, I decide what’s right for me.
One of my long-time goals became real when I wrote and published my first book, “Think Like an Entrepreneur.” It was exciting to see my book finally in print. That’s when I realized that I could make my dreams into reality, but I had to believe and take action on those dreams.
Copyright © 2014 – 2018 Deborah A. Bailey
You can find the ebook, print and audio book versions of “Think Like an Entrepreneur: Transforming Your Career and Taking Charge of Your Life,” on Amazon.com.
Photo Credit: Thomas Hawk via Compfight cc
Originally posted on the Secrets of Success blog.