A Look Back at Posts You Might Have Missed

November 11, 2015
Photo Credit: ldandersen via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: ldandersen via Compfight cc

As we’re approaching the end of the year, it’s time for a round up of some earlier posts on the blog.

If you’ve missed them the first time (or want a second look) click on the links and check them out.

In my desire to create a bit of order here, the blog has some new categories for your reading pleasure.

Here are some posts from Being Creative, Mindset for Success and Inspired Living.


Being Creative

3 Steps to Blogging Your Book

When I wrote my first book, Think Like an Entrepreneur: Transforming Your Career and Taking Charge of Your Life, I used my newsletter and blog posts to create my book. I set a deadline and then worked towards it week by week.


Diving in the Deep End

After years of wishing and hoping, I wrote and published 2 novels in a little over 2 years. So of course after the writing and publishing came the promoting–which is probably the hardest part.


The Connection Between Writing & Your Life Purpose

“The Journey of an Author.”

In this episode of the Tea Talk Real Talk TV show, host Sharon Levy, CEO of Taking Tea in Style and guest Skip Bailey and I discuss creativity, the writing process and following your dream.


 Inspired Living

Terrified About Transforming Your Life? Here are Some Comforting Words of Advice

The other day I got an email from a gentleman named, Tim. He asked me for advice about looking for a new job. He was unemployed and money was running low, but he wanted to make a fresh start.

How much courage does it take to transform your life after it’s come undone?


3 Truths about Having Dreams I Wished I’d Known Years Ago

Have you ever been told that dreams don’t matter? Or that they’re lame? Or that dreaming isn’t as important as doing? If so, it’s time to rethink that advice.


Years Ago I Met My Hero Maya Angelou! Here’s What I Learned

Back in the 1980’s when I was a student at Douglass College (part of Rutgers University), Maya Angelou came to speak. I was just coming from class and was heading to the center, when I ran into one of the staff. As it turned out, Ms. Angelou wanted to meet more of the students prior to the talk that night.


Mindset for Success

Stop Waiting for Permission to Live Your Life

Have you ever shared an idea or a plan with someone, only to have them tell you that it wouldn’t work?


Sometimes You Just Need a Timeout

Is your to-do list growing faster than your ability to actually DO anything on the list?


Why You Have to Give Up Control to Get What You Really Want

Have you ever felt stuck in the same job situations, relationships or financial circumstances? Do you feel like you’re going through the same things over and over?


Deborah A Bailey

Deborah is a writer, writing workshop presenter and published author. She's host of the Women Entrepreneurs Radio podcast.

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