Sometimes You Just Need a Time Out
When I was at AT&T, I had a project leader who, if you asked her to prioritize your work would say, they’re all priorities. When you’re already overwhelmed and tired of running, that’s the last thing…
When I was at AT&T, I had a project leader who, if you asked her to prioritize your work would say, they’re all priorities. When you’re already overwhelmed and tired of running, that’s the last thing…
“If you can’t fly then run; if you can’t run then walk; if you can’t walk then crawl; but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is…
“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my…
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” -Albert Einstein The other day I got an email from…
by Deborah A. Bailey The other day I was reading a blog post about learning new languages. Most of the comments stated that if you don’t learn a new language when you’re young, it’ll be too hard…
“Take a day to heal yourself of the lies you have been told about yourself and then, go out and heal someone else.” –Maya Angelou It is possible that at some time in your life you got…
“Now, I return to this young fellow. And the communication I have got to make is, that he has great expectations.” – Charles Dickens, “Great Expectations” “Uncertainty and expectation are the joys of life. Security is an…
Find yourself stressing out a lot? I’ve felt that way over my business or over my to-do list. Life can become an endless round of running from one thing to another. Beating yourself up over what…
Still looking for balance? What choices are you making about your life? When I got my first job, I punched a clock, literally. We punched in and out. When the workday was over, I punched the…
Ever had a situation where you felt left out of the action? We’ve all been there at least once. Either on the playground or in the workplace. We end up keeping score of how many times someone…