Book Review: The Life Intended by Kristin Harmel

February 23, 2015

The Life IntendedThe Life Intended by Kristin Harmel

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very interesting story about a woman who begins to experience flashes of the life she might have had with her husband, who died years earlier. As the flashbacks continue, she’s led to a different type of life and meets various people who are leading her on a journey to self-discovery.

Kate Waithman switches back and forth between her real life with her fiance, Dan, to her “might have been” life with her dead husband Patrick. For me, as the story went on, I found myself much more interested in her dream life than in her real one. The connections between her and Patrick were so loving and I wondered how long it would take for her to wonder why she was making certain compromises in her real life.

Very richly detailed, especially when dealing with Kate’s experiences with music therapy and working with deaf children. Though I had an idea how things would turn out in her love life, the revelation at the end was unexpected. I enjoyed the story, while at the same time I felt that some things fell into place a bit too neatly. (Received a review copy.) link: The Life Intended

Deborah A Bailey

Deborah is a writer, writing workshop presenter and published author. She's host of the Women Entrepreneurs Radio podcast.

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