Law of Attraction

February 4, 2008

Businessman at Road of SuccessWhat are you attracting? Years ago a career coach told me that I had to work on becoming “irresistibly attractive.” I didn’t completely understand it at the time, but I do now.

When we hear the word, “attractive” we usually think of physical appearance. That’s what makeovers usually focus on, don’t they? Changing the outside and expecting that the inside will eventually fall into place.

If you don’t think you deserve a successful business, how can you achieve it? How can you reach something if you don’t feel you can have it? If I don’t believe in my business, then it’s not likely that I’ll attract clients who want to work with me. It’s also not likely that I’ll be successful if I don’t believe it’s possible.

Even though I’d been dreaming of my own business for years, once I started it I didn’t completely believe in it. I wondered how I could compete with more experienced entrepreneurs, and how I could attract people who saw value in what I could do for them. What I have learned is that if I don’t think my work has value, I’m going to attract people who don’t see the value either – and I certainly can’t build a business that way.

If you want to change for the better, then you have to believe in it. You have to be there on the inside long before you see the outside results.

Is that easy? Of course not. We’ve been conditioned to look at appearances first. So if we don’t see outside results, we don’t think anything is happening – and if we keep thinking nothing is happening we will continue to attract situations and people to confirm that belief.

Copyright © 2008 – 2014 Deborah A. Bailey

Excerpted from: “Think Like an Entrepreneur: Transforming Your Career and Taking Charge of Your Life.”

Deborah A Bailey

Deborah is a writer, writing workshop presenter and published author. She's host of the Women Entrepreneurs Radio podcast.

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