“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” –Howard Thurman
Feeling stuck?
Are you still in a job you dislike or in a relationship that makes you unhappy? Not sure what to do to change your situation?
There’s one way to be sure you never have the life you want–by doing the same things that you’ve always done.
So what’s one thing you can do to get “unstuck?”
Change your thinking. Your future life does not have to be dictated by what happened in the past. Just because you’ve had jobs you didn’t like doesn’t mean you always will. Having bad relationships in the past doesn’t mean you’re doomed to repeat the heartbreak over and over.
It’s up to you how you will live the rest of your life. You make the choice.
What will it be?
Is there something you’d like to do, but you’ve been reluctant to start because of past experiences?
Keep a journal of your dreams and desires for the future. Writing out your thoughts will help you explore the things that may be blocking you.
See yourself living the life of your dreams. Does if feel possible for you? If not, why not?
Ask yourself what you get out of staying stuck in your situation. What’s the payoff for you?
Procrastination can be another sign that we’re stuck in our thinking. It’s a way to pretend we’re taking action when we’re really not. What are you putting off doing?
Don’t settle for less by assuming that you won’t get anything better. That’s just an excuse that will keep you stuck in uncomfortable situations. How do you know that you can’t get what you really want? Make a commitment to yourself to go after what you desire.
You don’t have to stay stuck in a way of life that’s no longer satisfying. Make one change today that will take you a step closer to where you want to be.
Copyright © 2010 – 2017 Deborah A. Bailey
Excerpted from Think Like an Entrepreneur: Transforming Your Career and Taking Charge of Your Life.