How to Start a Podcast to Promote Your Business

October 12, 2015

A Quick &by Deborah A. Bailey

If you’re looking to create a podcast to promote your business, you can get one started very easily. Though some podcasters use expensive equipment to create their broadcasts, you can start out by just using your phone or your computer.

Podcasts are available all the time. Unlike broadcasting on terrestrial radio, where if someone isn’t listening at that moment, they miss the message.

Once your podcast is recorded and uploaded, it’s always available. Even better, it can be downloaded and shared.

In 2008 I started my Women Entrepreneurs Radio podcast. (Though at the time, the term “internet radio” was more common.) Having the podcast as given me the opportunity to meet and have conversations with entrepreneurs all over the world. I’ve made friendships and networked right from my home.

So, how do you get started?

1. Decide what you want your show to be about? Do you want to market your business? Or talk about your hobbies/interests? It’s entirely up to you.

2. Do you want to have guests or will you talk about the topics yourself? Keep in mind that talking over a period of time can get tiring. So if you won’t have guests, have some sort of outline to help you stay on track–and give you a format to follow.

3. What’s the frequency? Will you be doing your show daily, weekly, monthly or what? To build an audience, you should be prepared to broadcast at least once a week.

How to record

j0428507I’ve used the Blog Talk Radio platform, which, like anything has its pros and cons. There is a free option, which I recommend for those starting out.

Currently I’m recording podcasts using Skype, which is a good tool that can be accessed on the computer and mobile devices. You can have a free account, which is even better!

1. In order to record, you’ll have to download 3rd party software. Skype has a list that you can try out, some for free trials. I use Pamela, which can also be used for video recording.

2. Try out the microphone on your computer or mobile device. If the sound is clear, you won’t necessarily need a microphone. However, it is not, then it’s best to purchase one. There are a selection of mics on at various price levels. So don’t be hesitant to research before buying.

3. Once you’re sure your sound is good, you’re ready to go. If you have a guest, connect with them on Skype. If you’re the only one doing the podcast, simply record yourself on your device.

Once you’re finished. You can upload your show to a platform, or just upload it to your website. When I record on Skype, I take the MP3 file and upload it to a platform called, Podomatic. (You can get a free account to start with.)

If you want to edit your file, you can use a free software, Audacity. Or get a free trial of Wave Pad Sound Editor. (There are a lot of other editors to choose from, but these are the two I’ve used.)


Copyright © 2015 – 2017 Deborah A. Bailey








Deborah A Bailey

Deborah is a writer, writing workshop presenter and published author. She's host of the Women Entrepreneurs Radio podcast.

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